COERR organized the World Peace Day in Mae La, Nu Po and Umpiem camps in Tak Province, Mae Surin camp in Mae Hong son Province and Ban Don Yang camp in Kanchanaburi Province on 21 September 2012. In Mae La camp the World Peace Day was celebrated by 900 participants. The ceremony included the speeches delivered by authorities and religious leaders on Peace, Love, Forgiveness, Mercy and Unity of the people. COERR Programme Director also gave a speech on the history and meaning of Peace for peace building in refugee communities. Then followed by the traditional and cultural performances by the refugee youth and school children as well as sport competition among COERR workers and health workers.
World Peace Day 2012 in Mae La camp with 900 participants comprising camp authorities, NGO staff and refugees

World Peace Day at Nupo camp on September 21, 2012 was celebrated by 300 participants

World Peace Day at Umpiam Camp on 21/09/2012 with the participation of 500 refugees We are family is the theme of the World Peace Day in Umpiem Camp in which every participant wrote their mind about peace

World Peace Day “The way of Peace” at Ban Mai Nai Soi (BMN) Camp on 18/09/2012 with 300 participants

World Peace Day “The way of Peace” BMS Camp celebrated on 20,21/09/2012 with 200 Participants

BAN DON YANG Refugees celebrated the World Peace Day COERR Kanchanaburi and the Peace Music Group has celebrated the World Peace Day through paying visits to sick people at home, hospitals, children in dormitories. Moreover, COERR staff and refugee team have coordinated with religious groups, especially the youth groups in order to build up community volunteer spirit among them.